Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and Dismissal Procedure

9:00 AM - Students released from buses to enter school

9:10 AM - School day begins (If your child arrives after 8:55 you will need to bring him/her to the office and sign in.)

9:10 AM - Morning Announcements

3:30 PM - Dismissal Begins


The student drop off/ pick up zone is located at the back side of the school building.

Drop off will start at 9:00 AM and finish at 9:10 AM. If you arrive after 9:10 AM you will need to pick your child into the building through the main entrance and sign them in.

Pick up will start at 3:30 PM.

You will wait in the line and once you get to the drop off stop sign your child will get out in the am and for the pick up the staff will bring your child out to you.

If you have any questions, please contact the main office.


Inclement Weather Policy


School Delays:

When school is delayed the site will open 1 hour after normal opening time:

8:00 am for a regular 7:00 am

7:30 am for a regular 6:30 am

If school is dismissed early due to poor weather, SACC will NOT be open.

If there is a scheduled "Emergency Go Home Early" drill, SACC will NOT be open.

If there is an emergency resulting in the early dismissal of students, SACC will NOT be open.

Any questions may be referred to the

YMCA SACC office at:
